Jack Russell with skin problems

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This is Jacko who came in to us a couple of weeks ago.   Isn’t he a great looking little dog?   He has a temperament to match and is a real sweetie and full of character.   Unfortunately he has a severe skin problem and is out of condition generally.   His skin is dry and tight with patches where he has lost his hair completely.

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His general appearance is that of a poorly little dog, although he has a lot of spirit and still likes to go out for a walk and has a good appetite.  Jacko’s skin isn’t itchy and the vet has confirmed that this is not a parasite problem, more likely hormonal or as a result of unsuitable nutrition.

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Jacko is aged ten years, he looks much older though.   This breed of dog usually lives to late teens and they normally stay active.   Jacko came in to us when his elderly owner went in to hospital and could no longer keep him.   You are what you eat and that is the same for dogs.  We were told that Jacko has been complete dog food all his life.  Little dogs need even more careful feeding than the larger breeds.   Small meals should be packed with good nutrition and be easily digestible.

dogs - jacko 14Our aim in the first instance is to get him in better condition.   He’s having fresh food and natural ingredients and he loves it.   We’re using Dorwest Herbs too – a sprinkle of Kelp is a good tonic, also Keepers Mix and Garlic and Fenugreek tablets make a big difference.   An oily diet helps so it’s a portion of sardines and mackerel will help his skin.

Already we can see hairs sprouting through on the bald patches!  It’s never too late and we hope it won’t be for this lovely little dog.  We want to see him fit and well, full of beans and with a shiny, healthy coat,